Sunday, September 8, 2024


Here we go again - Labour are considering taking away the Single Discount on Council Tax.  It is only a third off where I believe it should be 50% anyway.  

Council Tax is iniquitous and outdated.  I believe there should be an individual tax for every working age person living in a home. That was, of course, what scuppered Margaret Thatcher's Government when they tried to do just that and bring in a Poll Tax.  Why should a single person living in a house pay the same as a home where there are many working adults all using or calling on Council services.

If this latest suggestion is carried through it is going to hit some of the people least able to bear the brunt - single parents, old people living on ever reducing pensions, divorcees.  It will probably hit hardest the elderly who've been widowed and are living solo through no fault of theirs except the inevitable grim reaper.  And, of course, pensioners have no redress - we don't have unions and can't fight back.  We are sitting ducks.  But don't worry, we might be dead by the next election so our vote won't count😀


My opinion of MP's and Parliament in general has deteriorated markedly over the last few decades.  I may be old and possibly a trifle old fashioned but I expect people representing our country to be appropriately dressed and to behave in a decorous manner.

I was always upset at the unkempt appearance of Boris Johnson.  He may have one of the finest minds in Government but what impression would he give to visiting dignitories - that he definitely needed a hair brush and someone to press his clothes.  He always looked scruffy and that does not impress.

But my chagrin at Boris has been greatly superceded by the impression which must be given by the Deputy Prime Minister.  She was filmed dancing in a DJ's booth in Ibiza and when challenged apparently  hit back a critics after her clubbing with 'I'm working class, I like a dance..."  She certainly is and she may do but as a very senior member of the Cabinet and representative of this country, shouldn't she confine that kind of behaviour to her home.  How can she expect to be taken seriously if she behaves like a teenager. 

And please will someone get her a clothes advisor. She may buy (or be given) relatively expensive outfits by top designers but they do nothing for her.  She is a big lady and whatever she wears off duty at home, I really believe she should be more work-woman-like in Parliament.  She has worn several outfits by Me+Em looking great on the sylphlike models but doing absolutely nothing for her.  And she really is too old to wear puff ball sleeves and white satin-like material dresses at Cabinet meetings.

It is said Clothes maketh the Man and I think that could apply equally to Women.  I'm sure Angela Rayner would look far better and appear more serious if she wore trouser suits.

No I am not a fan of hers and especially not of her close connection with the Unions - look how the Government have caved in to the Unions almost before they crossed the doorstep of No.10.  Perhaps one could call Ms. Rayner a Communist.  Although no great fan of the last Government, they too could have capitulated to the Train Drivers et al but knew it would lead to a raft of other demands - as it is doing.  As for constantly referring to the Black Hole in the finances of this country, they are MP's and supposed to have brains. Surely they must have had some idea of how tough times have been with Covid and the War in Ukraine impacting on our finances.

And what about the little slip up of not declaring her property for Capital Gains Tax.  It is not the amount she did not pay - that was trivial - but the fact that she got away with it.  I'm sure  HMRC would have chased any person other than an MP.  And why did the Police drop the case???

Although my home is not worth much, I put it into Trust for Jonathan 10 years ago so that either he might inherit something or could sell it or rent it out if, God forbid, I need to go into care - perish the thought.

I didn't know that at 10 years you are assessed by HMRC and allowing for Inheritance Tax exemption of £325,000 any gain in value is taxed.  In a way fortunately my property has hardly gained in value being assessed at £340.000.  So I have to pay around £900 to HMRC and also fees of £750 to the Trust Advisers. Do you think I could get around the tax?🤣🤣

Many years ago I had a small flat in Capetown, South Africa,  but sadly had to sell it to put money into my puny pension fund.    Although I'd paid maintenance and expenses for 7 years, I still had to pay Capital Gains Tax of £4,000 to HMRC in this country when I sold because I made a profit.  But I'm not an MP 🤣

It does seem as though the rich or influential can work the system but we, little people, get whacked at every turn. I never earned huge sums but, as a freelance,  always put away as much as possible into a Private Pension with the Equitable. That went belly up and I fought them for 5 years eventually getting an Annuity for half of what I should have received for life.  There was no Government compensation there.

NICE - NHS - Priorities

 I keep my powder dry most of the time these days for fear of all the reactions and Wokery.  One can actually offend without being aware that one is doing so.

I am fuming at what I see as total unfairness.  It has just been announced that there is a drug which can be helpful with Altzheimers - not a cure but a step in the right direction.  NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has decreed that this will not be available on the NHS because the benefit doesn't justify the cost.

Why I'm angry is that obese people are to be given Ozempic to curb their appetites.  As far as I know they are not being asked to make any effort to lose weight before being given the drug.  I also don't know the cost but there are so many obese people in the UK, even if the drug is not pricey, the total sum will soon add up.  Of course there are the side effects of obesity such as diabetes, joint wear and a shortening of life span.  

I feel genuinely sorry for the few people who are overweight and obese through no fault of their own who should be given every help possible. 

When I was a young reporter in the West Country, I was sent to interview a Doctor who had run an experiment to take weight off the inhabitants of a certain village.  He reported many hundredweights of loss and that is why it was a news story.  I was very sympathetic to the villagers and said so - I shall never forget his reply.  He said that in all but a few cases the problem was the 'ever open mouth'.  The stomach is a balloon and the more you give it the more it wants.

The blame lies in many directions - Fast food manufacturers with their advertising; lack of nutritional education in schools; lack of cookery classes in schools etc.  and the culture of Fast Food which came from America - like so many of the bad influences in the last few decades.  Apparently we have the most obesity in Europe and are catching up with America.  Nothing of which to be proud.

It might not sound like a lot but I've been around 8 stones all my adult life apart from being in Australia and on tour with a group of players.  I came back from the tour just under 10 stones - too much hospitality from lovely people who billeted us.  I tried many diets and then changed my approach to food.  It took me a few years to lose the weight I'd put on in only 7 months.

Obesity in the majority of cases is something which the patient has actively caused - Altzheimers is a disease which can afflict anyone - it's not self inflicted.  That is why I think it is so unfair of NICE - how inappropriately named.  Nothing could be further from Nice - Nasty would be more appropriate.

Friday, July 12, 2024


Have to admit I am not a sports fan and couldn't give a hoot about rugby and football but to suggest having a Bank Holiday to celebrate if England wins is absolute madness.  Apparently it would cost 3 Billion - not sure why but that's what was on the news.

I really do get upset at the assumption that we are all Footie fans.  There was a poll some years ago with regard to the percentage of folk interested in and followers of Football . The result was 30% which did surprise me.  Tony Blair acted as though the whole  population were Footie devotees.  The behaviour of many of the fans is so appalling  it would put me off even if I were so inclined.  

Today there was a poll as to whether there should be a Bank Holiday to celebrate a potential English victory and 70% did not think so.

And, of course, all the TV schedules are altered to accommodate the Football which is intensely annoying.  One of my favourites - Antiques Road Show - was rescheduled for 9.00 pm on Sunday and then came up against 3 other programmes I would have liked to watch.  Must say, this is very unusual to have so many programmes which appealed.  After the local Meridian News I turn over to Netflix on most nights as there's nothing which I want to watch on Terrestrial which is stuffed with Game shows, Cookery and Reality.  At least we now have the benefit of Catch Up. 

One of the programmes scheduled last Sunday was 'The Turkish Detective'.  I binged on BBC Iplayer - it was extremely good.  In fact, on Netflix, I watch a large amount of Foreign films and series.  Unfortunately one often has to turn on Subtitles for English products because of poor speech and mumbling.  I used to avoid Subtitles but have become so used to them that I hardly realise I'm watching a foreign film and reading the script.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Beautiful Garden

 Went to lunch at friends on Saturday.  They have a magnificent garden.  This year there was a rather unusual colour combination which, I believe, works.  I'd never have thought of putting Apricot with Lilac/Mauve but the mixture looks stunning don't you think.

Battle of Britain Memorial Day - Capel le Ferne 7th July 2024

As promised, some photos from a wet, windy and cold Capel.  

Air Attachés

At the Memorial Wall with my tribute to René Mouchotte =
Cross of Lorraine - sign of the Resistance

French Air Attaché Col. Xavie Rival and
Air Commodore Rick Peacock Edwards


Monday, July 8, 2024


I do hope you've followed me over from Twitter.

As you know I've long been a big supporter of the Battle of Britain Memorial and allied charities.  It was at Memorial Day in 2007 that I sponsored a name on the Memorial Wall and thus began a 17 year project with regard to Commandant/Squadron Leader René Mouchotte - one of only 13 Free French pilots with their names on the wall.  The Documentary is on You Tube

Over the intervening years I secured a short Documentary on my Search for René Mouchotte; was instrumental in the renaming of the RAF HQ in Gibraltar - Mouchotte Buildings; was able to have René's Diaries republished in English in 2022  'Free French Spitfire Hero'; last year on the actual 80th Anniversary of René's death I secured a service at the Biggin Hill Chapel - where René was based and from where he flew on the fateful day of August 27th 1943 and met his death on the Raid at Eperlecques - the V2 manufacturing base.

I've attended all the Memorial Day services since 2007, sadly now a shadow of what they were.  When I first attended there were 25 Veterans, several of whom became my friends.  We now have no veterans and the panoply of the RAF Band, the British Legions and the public have all gone but we still mark the day and honour the Pilots and Air Crew who flew from July 10th to October 31st in the Battle of Britain.

I formed a good relationship with the now outgoing French Air Attaché and this bore fruit as he too had an interest in René Mouchotte.  Last October the 12 French Squadron Badges were presented to the RAF Club along with a beautiful painting, heavily featuring René on the historic day at Biggin Hill when they celebrated the downing of the 1000th Enemy Aircraft.  René and a Canadian pilot Squadron Leader Jack Charles shared the honour and the prize which I know René shared with his groundcrew.

Last year it was wet, windy and cold at Capel le Ferne which is very exposed on the cliffs.  I was very cold so this year, when similar weather conditions were forecast, I abandoned the summer dress and went for a Winter Velvet Suit.  Delighted to say it saw me through the afternoon and I was at least warm if somewhat wind blown.  For some reason my photos from yesterday are not loading into my Photo Library but will post when they do. 

Here's the Painting now proudly displayed in the RAF Club.  


Here we go again - Labour are considering taking away the Single Discount on Council Tax.  It is only a third off where I believe it should ...