Friday, July 12, 2024


Have to admit I am not a sports fan and couldn't give a hoot about rugby and football but to suggest having a Bank Holiday to celebrate if England wins is absolute madness.  Apparently it would cost 3 Billion - not sure why but that's what was on the news.

I really do get upset at the assumption that we are all Footie fans.  There was a poll some years ago with regard to the percentage of folk interested in and followers of Football . The result was 30% which did surprise me.  Tony Blair acted as though the whole  population were Footie devotees.  The behaviour of many of the fans is so appalling  it would put me off even if I were so inclined.  

Today there was a poll as to whether there should be a Bank Holiday to celebrate a potential English victory and 70% did not think so.

And, of course, all the TV schedules are altered to accommodate the Football which is intensely annoying.  One of my favourites - Antiques Road Show - was rescheduled for 9.00 pm on Sunday and then came up against 3 other programmes I would have liked to watch.  Must say, this is very unusual to have so many programmes which appealed.  After the local Meridian News I turn over to Netflix on most nights as there's nothing which I want to watch on Terrestrial which is stuffed with Game shows, Cookery and Reality.  At least we now have the benefit of Catch Up. 

One of the programmes scheduled last Sunday was 'The Turkish Detective'.  I binged on BBC Iplayer - it was extremely good.  In fact, on Netflix, I watch a large amount of Foreign films and series.  Unfortunately one often has to turn on Subtitles for English products because of poor speech and mumbling.  I used to avoid Subtitles but have become so used to them that I hardly realise I'm watching a foreign film and reading the script.

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Here we go again - Labour are considering taking away the Single Discount on Council Tax.  It is only a third off where I believe it should ...